Wednesday Oct 20, 2021

The power of attention and compassion in the information age with Dr Charles Chaffinn

O31 In exchange for so called free services like Google products, social media, or online dating apps we offer in return our most precious asset - our attention.  Most people in the western world now spend 11 or more hours a day online.  Attention is a zero sum game. The more time we spend doom scrolling on Twitter or creating, consuming and sharing online content the less focus and empathy we have left over for the people in our lives.

In this episode of Awake In Relationship I speak with author and educator Dr Charles Chaffin about the power of our attention in the information age and his book Numb: How the information age dulls our senses and how to get them back. In this conversation we discuss the perils of online life for our mental well being and focus. We also explore how to reclaim attention and put the ‘social’ back in social media by using online tools to enhance existing relationships and build connections.

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