Thursday Aug 05, 2021

Expanding tolerance for connection through compassionate exchange with Melissa Moore

027 Returning to ‘normal’ after the collective trauma of the global pandemic will take more than a vaccine. Hyper vigilance and fear of can narrow our window of tolerance for connection and prevent us from forming new healthy relationships. The ability to be fully present with others depends on a safe and empathetic container.  Compassionate exchange is a practice of reconnecting to the body, letting go of emotional reactivity and communicating from the heart.

In this episode of AIR I speak with Dr Melissa Moore, founder of Karuna Training, about  contemplative psychology and the role of compassion in addressing the mental, physical and emotional challenges of post pandemic life, including social isolation, uncertainty and burnout. We also discuss how compassion can serve as the foundation for a renewed sense of community and civic life in these polarizing times.

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